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Frieza / 弗利沙

Art by Collection by VC

- 30x20" stretched canvas / 76x50cm 背板畫佈
- Limited to 25 / 限量25幅
- Signed and numbered by artist / 創作者簽名

- Art concept / 創作概念:
When Derrick Rose proclaimed himself as "still" the best player in the league coming back from his knee injuries, controversially putting self before the team on occasions, there was a sense that D.Rose wasn't who we thought he was while an eerie confidence seeping through his previously beloved image, leaving us wondering if the villain has been in him all along. This month, VC reveals D.Rose's truth colors as Dragon Ball's "Frieza", the emperor of the Seventh Universe and the City of Chicago, slithering through defenses in his prime with his ruthless yet graceful reptile-like attacks.

當 Derrick Rose 傷癒復出後聲稱自己依舊是聯盟最佳球員,甚至不時發表一連串看重個人之於球隊的爭議言論時,一股不尋常的自信心對比著他以往的模範形象,人們不禁開始懷疑是否他長久以來內心就一直有著這種反骨性格。VC在此揭開 D.Rose 的真面目,將他化身於《七龍珠》當中第七宇宙的帝王「弗利沙」,映對著這位「風城之王」在傷前的巔峰時期如何以霸氣但優雅的「蜴類」球風穿梭在防陣中,凌空拉桿,肆意縱橫。

Frieza 弗利沙 Canvas 30"x20"



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